Joyful Book Marketing:

build your author platform with authenticity & ease


A monthly course & community


Do any of these thoughts sound familiar?

>I wish I could just focus on writing my books and not have to worry about marketing them.

>When I think about marketing my books, I get so stressed out. I go down the rabbit hole of Google and suddenly two hours have passed and I'm more confused than ever!

>Should I be on social media? What platforms? What else should I be doing? How do I even know where to begin?


Do you feel overwhelmed when you think about marketing your book? Do you feel like a browser window with fifty tabs open at the same time, unable to focus and certain you're "doing it wrong"? Do you feel a ton of pressure to "up" your marketing game, but you keep procrastinating because "marketing" feels in line with scheduling a dentist appointment or doing your taxes?


You're not alone, my friend. There are so many opportunities for book marketing and promotion that if you tried to do all of them, you wouldn't have time to sleep or eat! Talk about burning yourself out.


But the truth is-- no matter if you self-publish, go with a hybrid publisher, or traditionally publish -- you, the author, are expected to carry the majority of the book-marketing load.


The answer is not to bury your head in the sand and ignore book marketing. The answer is to empower yourself with information and find a way to spread the word about your book that energizes you and taps into your beautifully authentic spirit. (Yes! It's possible, I promise!)


For years, my book coaching clients have been asking me to make a program that focuses on marketing. So I finally have.


I named it JOYFUL Book Marketing because I believe that marketing your book should be something that fills your life with JOY, not stress!


Each month, you’ll receive an email with a checklist around a certain marketing focus. Instead of being overwhelmed by options and trying to do all the things, you’ll instead be given the gift of clarity and focus each month. Book promotion is like a buffet. In this course, you’ll get to learn about and sample different types of marketing to discover what you love best and what you can devote your energy to moving forward.


In addition to helpful information about each month’s topic and accountability checklists, there is also a monthly live call (recorded too, so don’t worry if you have to miss) where you can learn from me & topic experts and ask questions in real time, AND a monthly co-working time to actually get stuff done!


You get:

  • Monthly Live Calls to learn from Dallas & topic experts and get answers to your questions personally in real time (recorded too, so don’t worry if you have to miss) 
  • Monthly Live Co-Working Calls so you can make time for your book marketing (you’ll be amazed by the progress you make when working within a community of other writers — it is seriously magical!)
  • Simple worksheets and monthly checklists for extra accountability and guidance
  • Private online community so you feel supported and surrounded by other women writers who get what it means to be writing and marketing a book! Finally, a place where you can exhale, ask questions, get feedback, and be encouraged by other women who are there on the journey with you :)


Here are some of the topics we'll cover:

  • Establishing your “author brand”
  • Crash-course in Canva & creating your book “one sheet”
  • Writing a riveting logline & description for your book
  • Your author newsletter & lead magnet
  • Instagram & Bookstagram
  • TikTok & BookTok
  • All About Goodreads
  • Making your author website work for you
  • Shine up your pitch letter & media kit
  • Bookstore & library events
  • Simple strategies for getting more book reviews
  • How to be a fascinating guest on podcasts
  • And more!


