Hi there!
Thanks so much for stopping by my little corner of the Internet. My name is Dallas, like the city in Texas (although, fun fact, I was not named after the city–I was named after my Gramps, whose middle name is Dallas. But I did visit Dallas one time and the local diner gave me a free breakfast when I showed them my driver’s license.) I’m an author, editor, book coach, and podcaster. My life’s work is not only to share my stories, but also to help others tell the stories that matter most to them and embrace their best lives.
When I’m not writing or talking about writing, I spend my days chasing after my five-year-old and one-year-old daughters; soaking up time with my husband; hiking trails at a local park; tackling my always-overflowing TBR list; and baking pumpkin spice everything all year long.
Dallas Woodburn is an award-winning author of fiction, nonfiction, and plays; an in-demand book coach; and host of the Thriving Authors Podcast. She has helped dozens of women around the world write and publish the books inside their hearts to grow their businesses, grow their impact, and grow their legacies.
Dallas’s debut YA novel, The Best Week That Never Happened, was a #1 New Release on Amazon, a Featured Bestseller on Apple Books, and the Grand Prize Winner of the Dante Rossetti Book Award for Young Adult Fiction. She is also the author of the motivational writing handbook Your Book Matters: 52 love notes from my creative heart to yours; the YA novel Thanks, Carissa, For Ruining My Life; and the short story collections Woman, Running Late, in a Dress and How to Make Paper When the World is Ending. Her novel Before & After You & Me and nonfiction book 1,001 Ways to be Kind are both forthcoming in 2024.
A former John Steinbeck Fellow in Creative Writing, Dallas has received the Cypress & Pine Short Fiction Award, the international Glass Woman Prize, and four Pushcart Prize nominations. Her short stories have appeared in ZYZZYVA, The Nashville Review, Louisiana Literature, North Dakota Quarterly, and many other journals, and her nonfiction has been published in Family Circle, Writer’s Digest, The Writer, The Los Angeles Times, Modern Loss, and more than two dozen Chicken Soup for the Soul series books. Her plays have been produced in New York City, Los Angeles, South Lake Tahoe, and Maryland. Dallas lives with her family in the San Francisco Bay Area in a comfortably messy house with overflowing bookshelves.
Literary Endeavors

A passionate champion of young writers, Dallas is the founder of Write On! Books, a literacy organization and publishing company, through which she edits and publishes the acclaimed series Dancing With The Pen: a collection of today’s best youth writing and the online literary journal Word Smorgasbord. She offers guided mentorships for young writers, teaches creative writing workshops, and enjoys speaking to schools. Her holiday book drive has donated more than 13,000 new books to disadvantaged and at-risk children across the nation.